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how can i use script function in ejs?

I want to use a script function in ejs.

I thought it would be simple, but no matter how I searched, I couldn't find any information.


<h1><% sum_ab(1,2) %></h1> // I want 3 to come out here.
function sum_ab(a,b) {
 var sum = a+b;
 return sum;

error message: sum_ab is not defined

I want to know how to use script function in ejs file.

Unless I'm mistaken that you cannot separate area (//this is js code) for write javascript codes. You can use js code within the HTML codes. I prepared an example code following according to your code:

        <% function sum_ab(a,b) {
            var sum = a+b;
            return sum;
        <h1><%= sum_ab(3,6) %></h1>

Please try this code in the.ejs file. It'll be work.

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