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Compare 2 mysql column values from different tables

I have 2 tables :



lanes contains 1 column " boss_id " which is an INT between 1 and 12

accounts contains various columns including username , password and also a boss_id column

Im trying to use PHP to display ALL items from the lanes table, which is working great! But, what i need to do is also show if a user from " accounts " also shares or has the same boss_id and displays a different output :

Regular output (no matching account)

foreach ($boss_id as $boss) {
    echo "Lane " . $boss . "<br>;

If there is a matching account show this instead

echo "Lane booked by " . $username. "<br>;

I've spent a lot of time on this, and really need some help as i cant seem to figure it out.

Any help would be awesome! If you need anymore information, please ask!

Thanks in advance E

This is what i have so far (variables may differ in name but you should get the idea!)

$db_host     = "localhost";
  $db_username = "root";
  $db_password = "";

  //connect to mysqli database (Host/Username/Password)
  $connection = mysqli_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password) or die("Error " . mysqli_error());

  //select MySQLi dabatase table
  $db = mysqli_select_db($connection, "archery-booking") or die("Error " . mysqli_error());

  // get ALL lanes from database table "lanes"
  $sql = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM lanes");
  while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) {
   $bossid[] = $row['bossid'];

  // save each result as a variable
  foreach ($bossid as $compare) {
    $compare = $compare;

  // get ALL BOOKED lanes from database table "accounts"
  $sqluser = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE boss_id = '".$compare."' ");
  while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sqluser)) {
   $bookedboss[] = $row['boss_id'];


So i have no made a couple of changes, and getting the information for both lane.boss_id and also accounts.boss_id

How ever, i still need to do the following :

If lane.boss_id doesnt have an account attached to it, then do this, if it does have an account then do that.

What would be the best way of checking this condition? I was going to use an if/else on "username" but i got an error about illegal string offsets....here's my code so far!

$db_host     = "localhost";
  $db_username = "root";
  $db_password = "";

  //connect to mysqli database (Host/Username/Password)
  $connection = mysqli_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password) or die("Error " . mysqli_error());

  //select MySQLi dabatase table
  $db = mysqli_select_db($connection, "archery-booking") or die("Error " . mysqli_error());

  // get ALL lanes from database table "lanes"
  $sql = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT l.*, a.username FROM lanes l LEFT JOIN accounts a ON a.boss_id = l.bossid");
    while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) {
     $bossid[] = $row['bossid']['username'];


I can't thankyou all enough for your help, we've really made progress!! :D

I have 1 final request though and i hope you guys can help as well as you have already! :)

So, in my script i have the following :

if (isset($uname)) {
       echo "<div class='col-xl-3 col-lg-3 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6'>
                  <div class='card bg-normal'>
                  <div class='card-header day1'>
                  <p>Lane booked from 6.00pm</p>
                  <div class='card-body'>";
        echo "<h2 class='lane-title taken'>Lane " . $bossid . "</h2>";
        echo "<p class='lead'>Booked by " . $uname . "</p>";
        echo "</div>
     } else {
       echo "<div class='col-xl-3 col-lg-3 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6'>
                  <div class='card bg-normal'>
                  <div class='card-header day1'>
                  <p>Lane booked from 6.00pm</p>
                  <div class='card-body'>";
        echo "<h2 class='lane-title'>Lane " . $bossid . "</h2>";
        echo "Lane Available";
        echo "</div>

This works great and outputs everything required, BUT....what i need is the following :

  • If no username, show 1 entity with label "FREE"

  • If username + detail = 1, show 1 entity with label "TAKEN BY $username"

  • IF username + detail = 1 AND 2, show 1 entity with label "TAKEN BY $username1 and $username2

At the moment, from the code above, if detail 1 AND 2 are on boss_id 5, then there are 2 entities of boss_id 5, where i only need 1 entity showing both the details 1 AND 2.

Hope this makes some sense!! :)


You seem to want a LEFT JOIN :

SELECT l.*, a.username
FROM lanes l
LEFT JOIN accounts a ON a.boss_id = l.boss_id

When there is a recored in accounts whose boss_id matches, this brings the corresponding username in the resultset. If there is no match, username comes as null .

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