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How to add limit ad load retries inside onAdFailedToLoad() in Admob Ads?

Within the guide on how to place Admob interstitial ads in the app, you have the following warning:

Warning: Attempting to load a new ad from the onAdFailedToLoad () method is strongly discouraged. If you must load an ad from onAdFailedToLoad () , limit ad load retries to avoid continuously failed ad requests in situations such as limited network connectivity.

I was putting a

mInterstitialAd.loadAd (new AdRequest.Builder (). build ());

inside the onAdFailedToLoad () and it seems that this is not the correct one. What is the best practice for doing this type of limit within the onAdFailedToLoad () ?

Maybe create the maximum number of new requests?


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity()
    private var loadAdInterstitialRequests = 0

And then in AdListener :

override fun onAdFailedToLoad(p0: Int)
    if (loadAdInterstitialRequests++ < MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_AD_REQUEST)

This will limit sending new add requests to MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_AD_REQUEST .

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