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Libavformat- Passing an object of images to libavformat to generate a video

I am trying to generate a video with libavformat/Libavcodec with a bunch of images that are in memory.

Can someone point me in the right direction, please?

Thanks in advance.

First, the basics of creating a video from images with FFmpeg is explained here .

If you simply want to change/force the format and codec of your video, here is a good start.

For the raw FFmpeg documentation you could use the Video and Audio Format Conversion , the Codec Documentation , the Format Documentation the and the image2 demuxer documentation (this demuxer will manage images as an input).

If you just want to take images and make a simple video out of it, just look at the 2 first links. FFmpeg's documentation gives you powerful tools but don't use them if you don't need them.

A sample command to create a video from images is:

ffmpeg -i image-%03d.png video.mp4

This will take all the files in sequence from image-000.png to the highest number available and make a video out of it. You can force the format with the extension of the output file. To force the video codec use -c:v followed by a codec name available in the codec documentation.

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