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How to load a md-select based on a different md-select option(binding issue)

Hello i am very new to aurelia js, i have a binding issue that i am stuck with, I have two md-select drop downs on a page, when the form loads it populates a list of Shops, which works correctly as bellow

    <select md-select="label:Shop" value.two-way="addShopProfile.shopId" change.delegate="getItems(addShopProfile.shopId)">
   <option value="" disabled selected>Please select</option>
    <option repeat.for="shop of shops" value.bind="shop.id">${shop.name}</option>

You can see i have a change.delegate="getItems(addShopProfile.shopId)"> cause i want the bellow drop down to load the items for a shop based on the shop id

<select md-select="label: Items" if.bind="addShopProfile.shopId" value.two-way="addShopProfile.ItemsId">
   <option value="" disabled selected>Please select</option>
   <option repeat.for="item of Items" value.bind="item.id">${item.name}</option>

Now the items load ONLY when i click on the select option to change the Shop(which is correct). If the shop loads on the form the item for that shop does not show unless i go click on it.

How do i bind the items select option to load instantly when their is a shop already loaded instead of having to click the shop select option to change it on first appearance

What i normally do to get rid of this kind of issue is i call my function (in your case) its getItems(addShopProfile.shopId) inside my attached function that Aurelia provides us. ie

getItem(id here)

So once dom is loaded your select field will get loaded too with data against your provided id.

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