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Get rid of \\ in glob.glob

I have the following code:

ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, "Please choose a file directory", "File directory", 1)
EDS_database_path = filedialog.askdirectory()
EDS_answer = simpledialog.askstring("Input", "Please enter the ID")

EDS_files_list = glob.glob(EDS_database_path+'/**'+EDS_answer+'**', recursive = True)


In the output I get:


So the function worked well but I want to get rid of "\\" and replace it with "/" as I explicitly wanted to do in my function.

You can use print([filename.replace("\\\\", "/") for filename in EDS_files_list]) instead of print(EDS_files_list) . This will replace all instances of \\\\ in the strings with / , which will make it output like you want it to.

您可以在 python3 中使用 pathlib 包,因为它是处理路径的新常态

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