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How to access environment variables from apache2 configuration file?

I am trying to make a part of my website where it will ask the user for a password in a prompt box, then allow access to the hidden content when the password is correct. I want to hide my password somewhere in my apache2 server; somewhere so that I can't just go to the javascript file containing the password in the URL bar, such as [mywebsite]/password.js . I tried doing

SetEnv PASSWORD password123 

in my website configuration file for example, then in my javascript file linked to my HTML file I wrote the following code:

function check() {
    var password = process.env.PASSWORD;
    var str = prompt("Enter the correct password to continue: ");
    if (str != password) {
    document.getElementById("visible").style.visibility = "visible";

However, when I load the website it loads but with the content still hidden. How can I hide the password in my server so that I could access it in my javascript file directly? Is there maybe a better way to do this? I should note that everything worked properly before trying to hide the password.

First off, process.env is not accessible from within a browser context. process.env is a nodejs variable. It will only exist in a nodejs-like environment. javascript in the browser does not run nodejs.

The simplest solution is to prevent access to the page using apache directly:

You would need to generate an .htpasswd file.

In your apache configuration, you would add something like this:

<Directory "/path/to/password/protected/folder">
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Restricted Content"
    AuthUserFile /path/to/htpasswd
    Require valid-user

Here's a complete guide for how to setup a password protected folder in apache:


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