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How to post Atom entry and File using RestTemplate

I'm trying to post Atom xml and file with multipart/related request using RestTemplate. The question is - is it possible to change headers of parts for example Content-Type presented after boundary in atom part or add Content-ID in file part or how to properly create post request in this case. My request should look like this:

POST /app/psw HTTP/1.1 
User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 NSS/ zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.4.2 
Host: localhost 
Accept: */* 
Authorization: Basic YWdzOmFnczEyMw== 
Content-Type: multipart/related;boundary===9B752C681081408==;type=application/atom+xml 
Content-Length: 7019 
Expect: 100-continue 

Content-Type: application/atom+xml 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<atom:entry ...>

Content-Type: video/mp2t 
Content-ID: <prod@example.com>

123f3242e34...binary data...12313ed

I must use the RestTemplate or Spring WebClient.

For now it looks like presented below, but part with atom has Content-Type: application/xml instead of application/atom+xml

RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

        .ifPresent(formHttpMessageConverter -> {
            List<MediaType> supportedMediaTypes = new ArrayList<>(formHttpMessageConverter.getSupportedMediaTypes());
            supportedMediaTypes.add(new MediaType("multipart","related"));

ResponseEntity<String> response;
LinkedMultiValueMap<String,Object> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
map.add("atom",e); //e is xml object created with javax.xml.bind package
map.add("file",new FileSystemResource(file));

HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

HttpEntity<LinkedMultiValueMap<String,Object>> request = new HttpEntity<>(map,headers);

response = restTemplate.postForEntity(url,request,String.class);

Thank you in advance

Ok, I found solution which works for me. I will try to explain step by step how i did it.

  1. Prepare your RestTemplate
private RestTemplate prepareRestTemplate() {
    SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory = new SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory();
    RestTemplate template = new RestTemplate(requestFactory);

            .ifPresent(formHttpMessageConverter -> {
                List<MediaType> supportedMediaTypes = new ArrayList<>(formHttpMessageConverter.getSupportedMediaTypes());
                supportedMediaTypes.add(new MediaType("multipart", "related"));

    return template;
  1. Create Headers
private HttpHeaders createHeaders() {
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.set("Content-Type", "multipart/related;type=\"application/atom+xml\"");
    headers.setBasicAuth(properties.getProperty("service.login"), properties.getProperty("service.password"));

    return headers;
  1. Create atom xml part.
private HttpEntity<String> createAtomPart(String xml) {
    MultiValueMap<String, String> atomMap = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
    atomMap.add(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/atom+xml");

    return new HttpEntity<>(xml, atomMap);
  1. Create file part
private HttpEntity<InputStreamResource> createFilePart(InputStream file, String contentId, String contentType) {
    MultiValueMap<String, String> fileMap = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
    fileMap.add(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);
    fileMap.add("Content-ID", contentId);

    return new HttpEntity<>(new InputStreamResource(file), fileMap);
  1. Prepare your request
private HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, Object>> prepareRequest(InputStream file, String xml, String contentId, String contentType) {
    MultiValueMap<String, Object> bodyMap = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();

    bodyMap.add("atom", createAtomPart(xml));
    bodyMap.add("file", createFilePart(file, contentId, contentType));

    return new HttpEntity<>(bodyMap, createHeaders());
  1. Post it
public ResponseEntity<String> sendPostRequest(InputStream file, String xml, String contentId, String contentType) throws ClientException {
    HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, Object>> request = prepareRequest(file, xml, contentId, contentType);
    ResponseEntity<String> response;

    try {
        response = restTemplate.postForEntity(uri, request, String.class);
    } catch (HttpServerErrorException e) {
        log.info("Error occurred on server side, reason:", e);
        return new ResponseEntity<>(e.getResponseBodyAsString(), e.getStatusCode());
    } catch (HttpClientErrorException e) {
        throw new ClientException(e.getStatusCode(), e.getResponseBodyAsString(), e);

    return response;

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