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What is the mechanism for converting a function to a trait in Rust?

An example from actix-web is as follows:

use actix_web::{web, App, Responder, HttpServer};

async fn index() -> impl Responder {
    "Hello world!"

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    HttpServer::new(|| {
            web::scope("/app").route("/index.html", web::get().to(index)),

My question is around how the statement to(index) works in Rust.

Looking at the source code for to we see:

pub fn to<F, T, R, U>(mut self, handler: F) -> Self
    F: Factory<T, R, U>,
// --- snip

Where Factory is defined as :

pub trait Factory<T, R, O>: Clone + 'static
    R: Future<Output = O>,
    O: Responder,
    fn call(&self, param: T) -> R;

What is the mechanism by which the function async fn index() -> impl Responder gets converted to Factory<T, R, O> ?

There is an implementation of the trait just after your snippet:

impl<F, R, O> Factory<(), R, O> for F
    F: Fn() -> R + Clone + 'static,
    R: Future<Output = O>,
    O: Responder,
    fn call(&self, _: ()) -> R {

This can be read as: if a type F implements Fn() -> Future<Output = impl Responder> + ... then it also implements Factory<(), _, _> .

And an async fn is syntactic sugar for a function which returns a Future of some sort (and can use .await internally), so async fn index() -> impl Responder implements Fn() -> impl Future<Output = impl Responder> so it also implements Factory<(), _, _> .

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