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How to generate ANTLR recognizer again in Intellij after editing grammar

I have written a grammar to rotate a robot.

grammar RobotController;

program: statement+;
statement: rotateStatements;
rotateStatements: ROTATE EOS;

ROTATE: 'rotate';
EOS: ';';

Then i created ANTLR recognizer and it worked, It created some Java files with some code. Later on I modified my grammar to

grammar RobotController;

program: statement+;
statement: rotateStatements;
rotateStatements: ROTATE (LPAREN direction RPAREN)? EOS;
direction: STRING;

ROTATE: 'rotate';
LPAREN: '(';
RPAREN: ')';
EOS: ';';
STRING:  '"' (~[\r\n])* '"';

Now I am creating ANTLR recognizer again but the previously generated Java files remain the same in the system. No new code is added to them.

Does anyone know how to generate ANTLR recognizer after modifying the grammar?

信息:重新启动 Intellij 并使缓存无效解决了问题

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