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Add items to array in object

I have a bunch of checkboxes that represent filters, so when clicking a checkbox it should add an object containing the type of filter (taxonomy) and the value (terms) to a filter array.

When clicking the checkbox it first adds a new object containing a taxonomy and terms property. So far this works. The problem is when i click a third checkbox that has an taxonomy value that already exists, it adds a whole new object to the array instead of adding the term to the already existing term array.

This is what it looks like right now:

<input type="checkbox" id="term-1" value="term-1" name="taxonomy-1">
<label for="term-1">Term 1</label>

<input type="checkbox" id="term-2" value="term-2" name="taxonomy-1">
<label for="term-2">Term 2</label>

<input type="checkbox" id="term-3" value="term-3" name="taxonomy-1">
<label for="term-3">Term 3</label>


import FilterModule from '../helpers/filter-module';

class View {
    constructor() {
        self.filterModule = new FilterModule();
        this.$filters = $( '[data-filters]' );
    // Called after api got data
    update() {
        // Set event listener for select(s)
        this.$filters.find( 'select' ).on( 'change', this.handleFiltering );
        this.$filters.find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' ).on( 'change', this.handleFiltering );

    handleFiltering() {
        let tax = $( this ).attr( 'name' );
        const term = $( this ).val();
        self.filterModule.handleCheckbox( $( this ), tax, term );

export default new View();


import Api from '../helpers/api';

export default class FilterModule {
    handleCheckbox( checkbox, tax, term ) {
        const filters = Api.response.filters.active_filters;

        if ( $( checkbox ).is( ':checked' ) ) {

            // Check if taxonomy exists, if not, add it
            const index = filters.findIndex( x => x.taxonomy === tax );
            if ( index === -1 ) {
                console.log( 'does not exist, add new taxonomy object' );

                // Add new selection
                filters.push( {
                    taxonomy: tax,
                    terms: [ term ]
                } );
            } else {
                console.log( 'tax exists, push new term into it' );
                filters.find( x => x.taxonomy === tax ).terms.push( term );

            console.log( filters );


        // Update data

    update() {

So the first checkboxes click works well, the result would be:

   taxonomy: 'taxonomy-1',
   terms: [ 'term-1' ]

Second click:

   taxonomy: 'taxonomy-1',
   terms: [ 'term-1', 'term-2' ]

But the third click results in:

   taxonomy: 'taxonomy-1',
   terms: [ 'term-1', 'term-2' ]
   taxonomy: 'taxonomy-1',
   terms: [ 'term-3' ]

I don't understand why a new object is added instead of pushing it to the terms array of the taxonomy that exists.

I created a workable example of your code, but changed the let tax = $(this).attr('id') to let tax = $(this).attr('name'); .

So far, everything works as you expect, terms are added to the existing object instead of a new object being created:

 $('input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', this.handleFiltering); const activeFilters = []; function handleFiltering() { let tax = $(this).attr('name'); const term = $(this).val(); handleCheckbox($(this), tax, term); } function handleCheckbox(checkbox, tax, term) { // activeFilters represents an array if ($(checkbox).is(':checked')) { // Check if taxonomy exists, if not, add it const index = activeFilters.findIndex(x => x.taxonomy === tax); if (index === -1) { console.log('does not exist, add new object'); // Add new selection activeFilters.push({ taxonomy: tax, terms: [term] }); } else { console.log('tax exists, push new term into it'); activeFilters.find(x => x.taxonomy === tax).terms.push(term); } } output.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(activeFilters, null, 2); };
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <input type="checkbox" id="term-1" value="term-1" name="taxonomy-1"> <label for="term-1">Term 1</label> <input type="checkbox" id="term-2" value="term-2" name="taxonomy-1"> <label for="term-2">Term 2</label> <input type="checkbox" id="term-3" value="term-3" name="taxonomy-1"> <label for="term-3">Term 3</label> <pre id="output"></pre>

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