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Fetching data from Firebase in React Native

I came across a map in Firebase. I have done the following structure in Firestore.


I want to read the state whether it is liked or not, corresponding to the user uid -

   onLike() {
     let list = this.props.list

     let uid = this.state.user.uid

     list.uid.liked = !list.uid.liked

     list.likes = list.uid.liked ? list.likes + 1 : list.likes - 1


I think there is a mistake calling the user uid itself, I receive the error saying can't find variable and undefined object, please educate on the same.

Hi finally i figured out how to do it but modified a little,changed the write method as value itself not as map function,thanks to a javascript forum, the final code is as follows


  let uid = this.state.user.uid;

  let list = this.props.list

  var liked = uid +'liked'

  list[liked] = !list[liked]

  list.likes = list[liked] ? list.likes + 1 : list.likes - 1


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