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QML TextInput: how detect focus out event?

I need analog of https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-textinput.html#editingFinished-signal . So when user press enter/space, change focus to anther item I need signal. The problem is that editingFinished is useless for me. It works only if there are no mask/validator, in other case if TextInput is invalid/incomplete state, there are no editingFinished signal. So I want it emulation. I can not inherit QQuickTextInput in C++ because of it is private class. I can inherit TextInput in QML, but how can I get focusOutEvent inside QML class that inherit TextInput ?

You can use on the activeFocus property to check whether an object has focus or not.

TextInput {
    onActiveFocusChanged: {
        if (activeFocus) {
            // Gained focus
        } else {
            // Lost focus

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