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react-lottie, unable to pass props for animationData

i'm new to using react-lottie and I'm trying to build a class component to allow me to pass in a path to a .json file and a href link. I'm about to pass the link through props, but I'm having difficulty passing the the path and getting the following error:

Parsing error: Unexpected token, expected ";"

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Lottie from 'react-lottie';

class SocialLinks extends Component {
    state = { isStopped: false };

    render() {

        const defaultOptions = {
            loop: true,
            autoplay: false,
            animationData: { this.props.icon },
            rendererSettings: {
                preserveAspectRatio: 'xMidYMid slice'

        return (
                onMouseEnter={() => this.setState({ isStopped: false })}
                onMouseLeave={() => this.setState({ isStopped: true })}
                <a href={this.props.link}>

export default SocialLinks;

You don't need the double braces.


animationData: { this.props.icon }


animationData: { icon : this.props.icon }

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