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Why is my async function returning a pending promise after await?

I must be missing something here because I do not understand why my promise is not resolving.

I boiled the code down to this simple example:

  const promise = second();

async function first() {
  const p1 = await axios.get("https://<url>");
  return (p1);

async function second() {
  const p2 = await first();
  return (p2);

Which produces this output in the console:

Promise { <pending> }

My understanding is that await pauses execution until it completes before moving to the next line, but that is clearly not happening.

The initial block completes with a pending promise , and then the awaited code in the async functions executes instead of pausing.

What am I missing to make my code pause and wait until the await lines complete with a resolved promise before continuing?

An async function is like a Promise which does not resolve immediately. So you should probably use an immediately invoked anonymous async function:

  const promise = await second();

async function is not actually an synchronouse function like we think of, its an promise. So you need to handle it like an promise like:

second().then(res => {

In JavaScript, all of the following are true:

A promise

  • Is a value (can be passed around to functions, assigned to variables, and so on)
  • Can be in the resolved , rejected , or pending states
  • The thing it resolves to is also a value ( 1 , "foo" , {} , ...)
  • Can have .then(...) callbacks chained to it
  • Can be await ed

An async function

  • Is a function that synchronously returns a promise
  • Is a function that asynchronously returns the resolved value of that promise

Hopefully this modified example will make it clearer:

 // mock axios const axios = { get: url => Promise.resolve({ data: `Some data from ${url}` }) } const fetchMockData = async () => { const val = await axios.get('https://<url>') return val } const withAsyncAwait = async () => { console.log('=== with async/await ===') const promise = fetchMockData() // not awaited console.log('type of promise:', promise.constructor.name) const resolved = await promise // here we await it console.log('type of resolved:', resolved.constructor.name) console.log('data:', resolved.data) } // equivalent but with `then` callback const withThenCallback = () => { console.log('=== with then callback ===') const promise = fetchMockData() // not awaited console.log('type of promise:', promise.constructor.name) promise.then(resolved => { // resolved thanks to `then` console.log('type of resolved:', resolved.constructor.name) console.log('data:', resolved.data) }) } setTimeout(withAsyncAwait, 0) setTimeout(withThenCallback, 100)

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