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Azure Bastion into Existing Vnet

Hi I'm trying to deploy an AzureBastion into a seperate vnet which is in a separate resourcegroup from the bastion. I keep getting the error below,

New-AzSubscriptionDeployment : 10:49:03 - Error: Code=InvalidTemplate; Message=Deployment template validation failed: 'The resource 
'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet1/subnets/AzureBastionSubnet' is not defined in the template. Please see https://aka.ms/arm-template for usage details.'.
At C:\Temp\New-Deployment\deploy-core.ps1:53 char:1

The template is at


Can anyone see where I'm going wrong, driving me insane

I should add this is a nested template, called by a master template. which is below:


Thanks in advance :)

Please follow the following ARM template, it allows you to:

**- Add the subnet “AzureBastionSubnet” which is required to create a Bastion.

  • Create the Public Address Ip for the Bastion.
  • Create the Bastion.**

Deploy template.json:

"$schema": "http://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
    "location": {
        "type": "string"
    "resourceGroup": {
        "type": "string"
    "bastionHostName": {
        "type": "string"
    "subnetName": {
        "type": "string"
    "publicIpAddressName": {
        "type": "string"
    "existingVNETName": {
        "type": "string"
    "subnetAddressPrefix": {
        "type": "string"
"resources": [
        "apiVersion": "2019-02-01",
        "type": "Microsoft.Network/publicIpAddresses",
        "name": "[parameters('publicIpAddressName')]",
        "location": "[parameters('location')]",
        "sku": {
            "name": "Standard"
        "properties": {
            "publicIPAllocationMethod": "Static"
        "tags": {}
        "apiVersion": "2018-04-01",
        "type": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets",
        "name": "[concat(parameters('existingVNETName'), '/', parameters('subnetName'))]",
        "location": "[parameters('location')]",
        "properties": {
          "addressPrefix": "[parameters('subnetAddressPrefix')]"
        "apiVersion": "2018-10-01",
        "type": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts",
        "name": "[parameters('bastionHostName')]",
        "location": "[parameters('location')]",
        "dependsOn": [
            "[resourceId(parameters('resourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Network/publicIpAddresses', parameters('publicIpAddressName'))]"
        "properties": {
            "ipConfigurations": [
                    "name": "IpConf",
                    "properties": {
                        "subnet": {
                            "id": "[resourceId(parameters('resourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets', parameters('existingVNETName'),parameters('subnetName'))]"
                        "publicIPAddress": {
                            "id": "[resourceId(parameters('resourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Network/publicIpAddresses', parameters('publicIpAddressName'))]"
        "tags": {}


Paramtere template:

"$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentParameters.json#",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
    "resourceGroup": {
        "value": "testAmine"
    "bastionHostName": {
        "value": "TestBast"
    "publicIpAddressName": {
        "value": "testamine-vnet-ip"
    "subnetName": {
        "value": "AzureBastionSubnet"
        "value": "testamine-vnet"
        "value": ""
    "location": {
        "value": "westeurope"


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