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Wanted but not invoked:Mockito

I am trying to test below Vote.java which has a method called isEligibleToVote() which in turn calls another method getResult() after a check. I am trying to capture the argument and assert but while doing so I am getting Wanted but not invoked: vote.getResult(<Capturing argument>);

I understand this is because of vote.isEligibleToVote(18); as I have declared vote using @Mock which is incorrect, but I don't know how can I test this class using ArgumentCaptor and verify methods.


public class Vote {
public void isEligibleToVote(int age){


public String getResult(String result){
    return result;



public class VoteTest {

    Vote vote;

    public void isEligibleToVote_test(){
        ArgumentCaptor<String> stringArgumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
        assertEquals("yes", stringArgumentCaptor.getValue());

Error Staacktrace

    Wanted but not invoked:
vote.getResult(<Capturing argument>);
-> at VoteTest.isEligibleToVote_test(VoteTest.java:24)

However, there was exactly 1 interaction with this mock:
-> at VoteTest.isEligibleToVote_test(VoteTest.java:23)

Wanted but not invoked:
vote.getResult(<Capturing argument>);
-> at VoteTest.isEligibleToVote_test(VoteTest.java:24)

However, there was exactly 1 interaction with this mock:
-> at VoteTest.isEligibleToVote_test(VoteTest.java:23)

    at VoteTest.isEligibleToVote_test(VoteTest.java:24)

I understand vote is mock, but I want to know how can I call vote.iseligibleTovote(18) and get the arguments of getResult from inside if and else condition

Use @Spy instead of @Mock to do the verification. You must call when() on any methods of a mocked object which you aren't doing hence the wanted but not invoked

TLDR: Use @Spy insted of @Mock

@Mock is used when you want to mock an object and insert it into another object.
@Spy is used when you want to look at the intermediate values. In your case getResult()

Use the below code for better understanding:

public class VoteTest {

    Vote vote;

    public void isEligibleToVote_test(){
        ArgumentCaptor<String> stringArgumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
        assertEquals("yes", stringArgumentCaptor.getValue());

your vote is a mock you can't call method on him.

look at when when(vote.isEligibleToVote(18)).thenReturn("WHat you want")

edit : look at https://www.baeldung.com/mockito-behavior

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