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How can I center a grid of divs (pure JS and CSS)

I'm making a pixel art maker where the user can input their own grid dimensions. I've got the grid to make itself, but I have two issues. First, I can't seem to center my grid. My grid is made up of multiple divs. I've tried:

grid-square {
   margin: auto;

But that spaces out all of the grid divs from each other. I can't get anything else to work. Any suggestions?



Also, if the grid is too big, it makes the divs overlap, so any help with that is also appreciated!

I've found the answer! Each row of the grid technically took up the entire length of the container. So, I simply needed to display the rows as flex and set justify-content to center to center the whole grid.

Try This!

.row {
    justify-content: center;

This will help you out to center the canvas.

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