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How to set environment variables for pyspark executor in aws emr?

I have an AWS EMR cluster running pyspark applications (or steps, as its called in aws emr).

I want to set environment variables for the pyspark applications, and put this into the cluster configuration (after some googling):

    "Classification": "spark-defaults",
    "Properties": {
      "spark.executorEnv.MY_ENV": "some-value"

By the environment variable is not available in the pyspark process.

I also tried:

    "Classification": "yarn-env",
    "Properties": {},
    "Configurations": [
        "Classification": "export",
        "Properties": {
          "MY_ENV": "some-value",

And then output the environment variables via:


MY_ENV does not show up in any case.

How do I pass environment variables to my pyspark application?

Can you try to put this in spark-env .

   "Classification": "spark-env",
   "Properties": {},
   "Configurations": [
         "Classification": "export",
         "Properties": {
             "MY_ENV": "some-value",

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