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How can I post a string to an ASP.NET Core action method from Angular?

How can I post a string to an ASP.NET Core action method from Angular?

Here is what I am trying:

client side :

    { responseType: "text" }
    map(res => res)

server side :

public class FooController : BaseApiController
    [ProducesResponseType(typeof(string), (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)]
    public async Task<IActionResult> GetStr(string str)
        return GenerateResponseMessage(str);

Whenever I am getting to the return GenerateResponseMessage(str); line using a breakpoint, the str is null. While I am expecting the str to be equal the "foo" . What am I missing here?

Help me, please. I always thought that it is very easy to post or get anything with the help of Angular and ASP.NET Core, but it seems that the evil is in details, because I can not figure out the issue for too long.

I need to post the string. I am aware of the get option, but my specific case requires posting the string.

public class FooController : ControllerBase
 public async Task<ActionResult> Login([FromBody]string str)


this way you can solve

FromBody should do the trick:

public async Task<IActionResult> GetStr([FromBody] string str)

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