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Java Stream: How to avoid add null value in Collectors.toList()?

There is some Java code:

 List<Call> updatedList = updatingUniquedList 
      .map(s -> {
       Call call = callsBufferMap.get(s);
        return call;

How to avoid avoid to add to final list if call variable is null?


before collecting. Or rewrite it to a simple foreach with an if.

Btw, you can do


You can use .filter(o -> o != null) after map and before collect .

There are several options you can use:

  1. using nonnull method in stream: .filter(Objects::nonNull)
  2. using removeIf of list: updatedList.removeIf(Objects::isNull);

So for example the lines can look like this:

 List<Call> updatedList = updatingUniquedList

Maybe you can do something like this:

Collectors.filtering(Objects::nonNull, Collectors.toList())

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