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Get max count from laravel eloquent relationship

I have a model Topic which has hasMany relationship with Game model.


 public function Games() {
    return $this->hasMany(Game::class);


 public function Topic() {
    return $this->belongsTo(Topic::class);

What I need is getting the Topic which has the max count (also the count value) of Games based on 'created_at' today,this week,this month etc. I tried the following code, but the nested whereBetween query does not work, instead it is showing all the related topic->games created ever

 $top_topic_month = Topic::with('games')->get()->sortBy(function($q)
                            return $q->games->whereBetween('created_at',[today()->startOfMonth, today()])->count();

 $top_topic_month_count = ? 

try this

use withCount to generate games_count

$top_topic_month = Topic::withCount('games')->whereHas('games',function($q) use($startMonth){
        $q->whereBetween('created_at', [$startMonth, today()]);

 $top_topic_month_count = $top_topic_month->count()

With the help of the above answer from @kamlaesh Paul, I finally got the below code working for me

$top_topic_month = Topic::withCount('games')->whereHas('games',function($q) use($startMonth){
        $q->whereBetween('created_at', [$startMonth, today()]);

 $top_topic_month_count = $top_topic_month->count()

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