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Open ssh using ruby net/ssh with a specific port

I am trying to reflect the port as follows:

  Net::SSH.start( 'hostname', :username=>'', :password=>'', :port=>1234 ) do |session|      
     puts session.exec!('echo "hello"')

But I am getting error: Connection refused - connect(2) for (Errno::ECONNREFUSED)

So according to the "22" in error, it seems for me that the port isnt reflected... Any ideas please?

I see docs inhttps://www.rubydoc.info/github/net-ssh/net-ssh/Net%2FSSH.start

.start(host, user = nil, options = {}, &block)


Net::SSH.start('hostname', '', { password: '', port: 1234 }) do |session|
  puts session.exec!('echo "hello"')

use it like this:

Net::SSH.start( 'host', 'username',  {:password => 'password',:port => 'port'}) do |session|      
 puts session.exec!('echo "hello"')

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