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Error "TypeError: Cannot read property 'email' of undefined" using AngularJS and Ionic

I have the following form using AngularJS and Ionic:

<ion-modal-view class="game" ng-controller="PdfsmtpCtrl">

  <ion-header-bar class="bar bar-balanced">
    <a class="button button-icon icon ion-close-circled" ng-click="hideInformation()"></a>
    <h1 class="title">PDF-Export per Email</h1>
    <a type="submit" ng-click="getPdf(user)" class="button button-icon icon ion-checkmark-circled"></a>

  <ion-content scroll="false" class="game">
            <form novalidate class="simple-form">
              <label>E-mail: <input type="email" ng-model="user.email" /></label><br />
              <input type="submit" ng-click="getPdf(user)" value="Save" />


UPDATE: Here is the related AngularJS code:

'use strict';

.controller('PdfsmtpCtrl', function ($scope, Pdfsmtp)
    $scope.pdfsmtp = new Pdfsmtp();

    $scope.hideInformation = function ()

    //joey: PDF to generate
    $scope.getPdf = function (user)
        var user = angular.copy(user);
        var emailReceiver = user.email;
        var emailSubject = "<SubjectText>";
        var emailBody = "<BodyText>";
        var emailSender = "<EmailAddress>";
        var fileName = "<FileName.pdf>";
        var hostName = "<SenderHostName>";
        var contentType = "application/pdf";
        var doc = new jsPDF
            orientation: 'p',    // p = portrait, l = landscape
            unit: 'mm', 
            format: [210, 297],
    //joey: Simon Bengtsson and his autotable
    doc.setTextColor(23, 154, 85);
    doc.text(("<SomeText>"), 14, 15);
        startY: 30,
        startX: 30,
        headStyles: {fillColor: [25, 141, 79] },
        footStyles: {fillColor: [25, 141, 79] },
        theme: 'grid',
            overflow: 'linebreak',
            lineWidth: 0.5,
            lineColor: [25, 141, 79]
        html: '#resultTable',
    var finalY = doc.lastAutoTable.finalY || 20;
    doc.setTextColor(23, 154, 85);
    doc.text('Table:                   Signature:', 14, finalY + 20);
    var blob = doc.output();
    var dataUri = "data:" + contentType + ";base64," + btoa(blob);

        Host: hostName,
        Username: emailSender,
        Password: "<somepassword>",
        To: emailReceiver,
        Attachments : 
            name : fileName,
            data : dataUri
        From: emailSender,
        Subject: emailSubject,
        Body: emailBody
        //}).then(message => alert(message)

When clicking Save in the form all goes well as the variable user will be taken over by the related function.

When clicking the icon for Submit in <ion-header-bar> the following error can be seen as the variable user is undefined:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'email' of undefined

What needs to be done that Submit can be used?

You should initialize the user object. That way the object won't be undefined when you are trying to access the email property.

$scope.pdfsmtp = new Pdfsmtp();
$scope.user = { email : ''};

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