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using Ansible to create GCP storage bucket

I am trying my hands with ansible to handle GCP resources . Initially I am trying to create a GCP storage bucket using ansible . For this I installed ansible in GCP CLoud Shell using below command. Also created a service account and generated JSON based key file.

   sudo apt-get install ansible

Also installed gcloud module using below command

   sudo pip3 install google.cloud

Now I am trying to create a Storage bucket using below YAML file

- name: create a bucket
  - name: Storage bucket
      name: ansible-storage-module
      project: test_project
      auth_kind: serviceaccount
      service_account_file: "/tmp/auth.json"
      state: present

But it is failing with below error when I ran with ansible-playbook

  ansible-playbook ansible.yaml

 ERROR! no action detected in task. This often indicates a misspelled module name, or incorrect module path.

 The error appears to have been in '/home/project/ansible/ansible.yaml': line 4, column 5, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

- name: Storage bucket
  ^ here

I resolved this by installing both Ansible and google-auth using pip .

 pip install ansible
 pip install requests google-auth

and little modification on playbook to make it work

 - name: create a bucket
   hosts: localhost
   - name: Storage bucket
       name: ansible-storage-module
       project: adminproject-272208
       auth_kind: serviceaccount
       service_account_file: "/home/project/ansible/project.json"
       state: present

gsutil shows bucket was created

     $ gsutil ls

In case you are using a python virtual env make sure the ansible_python_interpreter is been declared properly.

Here is a full example with the entire setup with a Python venv:

python3.9 -m venv ~/py39
source ~/py39/bin/activate
pip install ansible
pip install google-auth

Then create a proper ansible directory tree like:


Where plays/ansible.cfg have:

inventory = inventory
interpreter_python = ~/py39/bin/python

The plays/inventory have:

localhost ansible_connection=local

The plays/main.yml :

- name: "Creating a Bucket on GCP"
  hosts: localhost

    - name: "Creating the Bucket"
        name: "The_bucket_name"
        project: "The_project_name"
        auth_kind: "serviceaccount"
        service_account_file: "/your/service/account/file.json"
        state: present
      register: bucket

Finally run in:

cd plays
ansible-playbook main.yml

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