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How do I DM a user before they are banned in discord.js v12?

Here's my code, I want to DM the user BEFORE they get banned, how would I do that?

    run: async(client, message, args) => {
        if(!message.member.hasPermission('BAN_MEMBERS')) {
            message.channel.send("You don't have permission to use that command.");
        else {
            try {
                let bannedMember = await message.guild.members.ban(args);
                    message.channel.send(`<:Checkmark:721061661582295222> \`${bannedMember.tag}\` **has been successfully banned.**`);
            catch(err) {
    aliases: [],
    description: 'Bans a guild member by their ID'

Im using discord.jsv12

You can use User#send to send the message to the GuildMember you are about to ban.

Note that it returns a Promise , which can be rejected (fail) if the bot cannot DM the User .

Since it is a Promise , you can wait for it to finish before banning the user.

if (!message.member.hasPermission("BAN_MEMBERS")) return message.channel.send("You don't have permission to use that command.");

const Member = await message.guild.members.fetch("id");
if (!Member) return message.channel.send("Couldn't find the member.");

await Member.send("You have been banned.").catch(error => console.error(error));
Member.ban("Reason").then(() => {
    message.channel.send(`${Member.user.tag} has been banned.`);

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