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Watir 4.0.2 Click crashes the browser

The following code is causing some issues:

b = Watir::Browser.new

options =  b.select.options

options.each do |opt|
  s =  opt.text
  i = s.length - 1
  if s[i-1] == '(' then
    puts s
    b.text_field(:id => 'nombre', :name => 'nombre').value = '0'
    b.input(:class => 'bouton-ajouter').click

When the click is performed it stops doing the each and just crashes. Why could this be so?

I don't know what you are trying to do, but I have corrected your program a bit, try this

require 'watir'

b = Watir::Browser.new

b.select_list.options.each { |opt|
  s = opt.text
  if s.chars.last == '('
    puts s
    b.select_list.option(text: s).select
    b.text_field(:id => 'nombre', :name => 'nombre').set '0'
    b.input(:class => 'bouton-ajouter').click


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