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How to pass promise data down the .then chain in node.js?

I tried to pass data of readFile through Promise chain.

It is able to read but when I pass the read data to writeFile, it received undefined and that gets written to the file:

Here is the output:

node promise.js 
In fileFunction:
promiseResolveCallback():  File found!
readFromFileCallback: 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

writeToFileCallback: undefined

My code:

var objFs   = require( 'fs' )

function promiseResolveCallback( arg )
    console.log("promiseResolveCallback(): ", arg)

function promiseRejectionCallback( arg )
    console.log("promiseRejectionCallback(): ", arg)
    throw -999;

function writeToFileCallback( argPromise )
    objFs.writeFile( 'new.js',
                     ( argError ) => 
                        if( argError ) 
                            throw argError 
                            console.log( "writeToFileCallback: Written in new.js!" ) 

function readFromFileCallback()
    return new Promise( (resolve, reject ) =>
                            objFs.readFile( 'new.js', ( argError, argData ) =>
                                                            if( argError )
                                                                reject( argError )
                                                                console.log( "readFromFileCallback: " + argError )
                                                                resolve( "read file \n")
                                                                console.log( "readFromFileCallback: " + argData )

function fileFunction()
     console.log("In fileFunction:")
     return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) =>
                            objFs.open( 'new.js', 
                                        ( argError, argFD ) =>
                                            if( argError )
                                                reject( new Error("File not found!"), 1000);
                                                resolve("File found!", 1000);

var objPromise = fileFunction()
objPromise.then( promiseResolveCallback, promiseRejectionCallback )
       .then( readFromFileCallback )
       .then( writeToFileCallback )

objPromise.catch( ( argError ) =>
                    console.error( argError )


I'm quite new to this topic of Promises. But I think you need to resolve with argData in readFromFileCallback.

You can read and write by using fs.Promises(from 10.0 available by default). Example

const fs = require("fs");

async function writeInput(message) {
  try {
    await fs.promises.writeFile("new.txt", message, "utf8");
    console.log("well done");
  } catch (err) {

writeInput("Put your args data here");

async function readInput() {
    const secret = await fs.promises.readFile("new.txt","utf8");


well done
Put your args data here

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