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Spring boot file multipart accept half allowed size

I wrote a controller as below:

@PostMapping(value="/upload", produces = "application/json")
public ResponseEntity<ResponseObject> fileUpload(
        @RequestParam(value="file") MultipartFile file,
        @RequestParam (value="code",required=false, defaultValue="0")String code,
        @RequestParam (value="approvaldetails",required=false, defaultValue="0") String approvalDeatils) throws Exception{
    return uploadService.uploader(file,code,approvalDeatils);

and I configured below at application.porperties:


but I could able to upload file up to ~15MB Editted: Spring boot version: 2.0.1

1. First potential cause:

Maybe it's related to the spring-boot version you are using.

MULTIPART properties have been changed according to versions.

Spring Boot 1.3.x and earlier


After Spring Boot 1.3.x:


After Spring Boot 2.0:


2. Second potential cause:

Your app didn't have enough memory to receive the file

3. Third potential cause:

If you are packaging as war and deploying on tomcat, make sure that tomcat allows a maxPostSize suitable for your use case.

In conf\\server.xml:

<Connector port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
                maxPostSize="67589953" />

@M.Mas. 1.I'm using spring boot 2.0.1. 2.Not depends on memory even if I decrease to 8MB, again ~4MB will be acceptable. 3. It is not deployed on the WAR file and I'm debugging. I uploaded a file with 16.8MB and it raised below exception:

org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.FileUploadBase$SizeLimitExceededException: the request was rejected because its size ( 33542171 ) exceeds the configured maximum (31457280)

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