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Get object value from Observable (RxJava, Retrofit)

I'm trying to learn to use Rxjava to make Api calls with retrofit. I have to make multiple api calls in a loop. I'm struggling with getting the value in my subscriber.

@GET("pokemon" + "/{id}")
fun getPokemonData(@Path("id") id: Int):

I'm expecting to get a Pokemon object in my Subscriber but instead I get a Observable. How do I transform it to a Pokemon object?

        .flatMap { it ->
                .map { PokeApi.retrofitService.getPokemonData(getPokemonIdFromUrl(it))
                //onNext --I'm expecting to get a Pokemon Object here, instead I get a Observable<Pokemon>

        }, {//onError} , {// do something when all api calls are done?})

My goal is to make api calls with ids in the "list" and get "notified" when all the api calls are finished. Is this the correct approach to solve this problem ?

The problems lies here:

   .map { PokeApi.retrofitService.getPokemonData(getPokemonIdFromUrl(it)) }

When you use map it maps to the return object from getPokemonData . You probably want to flatMap it:

   .flatMap { PokeApi.retrofitService.getPokemonData(getPokemonIdFromUrl(it)) }

which not only maps the result but flattens it too so you don't get an observable, but the result of that observable.

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