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Can I initialize a std::vector<bool> from uint8_t (or std::byte) range so that every bit in input is treated as a boolean?

I know that std::vector<bool> is bad , but I have a really nice use case for it.

I would like to do something like this:

uint8_t data [] = {7,32};
std::vector<bool> vb/*...*/ ;
// now vb is size of 8 vector with this values:
//   false, false, false, false, false, true,  true,  true, (7)
//   false, false, true, false, false,  false, false, false (32)

Note: I know I can manually disect every byte of input and make 8 inserts, but I am looking for something prebuilt in the standard

std::vector<bool> is a poor choice here, because you are thinking about it in terms of its implementation rather than its behavior.... just avoid vector<bool> .

Use a boost::dynamic_bitset instead. Anecdotally I have personally found it to be far more performant anyway:

std::array<std::uint8_t, 2> data {7,32};
boost::dynamic_bitset<std::uint8_t> vb(rbegin(data), rend(data));
std::cout << vb; // 0000011100100000

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We have to reverse the input range because boost's dynamic bitset appends to the end where the most significant bit is (typically the left side), rather than the right side.

Using a container is most certainly the best way to go - but if that's not an option, you could create an iterator type to populate your vector<bool> directly on construction.


struct biterator {
    using value_type = bool;
    using reference = bool;
    using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
    using pointer = uint8_t*;
    using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;

    biterator(const uint8_t* c) : curr(c), bit(1U<<7) {}
    biterator& operator++() { if(!(bit >>= 1)) { ++curr; bit = 1U<<7; } return *this; }
    bool operator*() const { return *curr & bit; }
    bool operator!=(const biterator& rhs) const { return curr != rhs.curr; }

    const uint8_t* curr;
    uint8_t bit;


uint8_t data [] = {7, 32};
std::vector<bool> vb(biterator(std::begin(data)), biterator(std::end(data)));


The proposal for this is P0237 Wording for fundamental bit manipulation utilities :

#include <bit>
#include <cstdint>
std::uint8_t data [] = {7,32};
std::vector<bool> vb(
    std::bit_iterator(std::begin(data), 0)),
    std::bit_iterator(std::end(data), 0)));

There is an implementation of P0237 (and N2050 ) called itsy .

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