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Cannot install plugins on Jenkins

I'm new to Jenkins and am trying to get a simple pipeline setup and struggling with the plugins page. I want to install the Azure credentials plugin but in the Plugin Manager page, when I select the plugin checkbox, there is no "Install" button so I don't know what to do next.

Tried on latest Chrome and Firefox with same issue. No errors in the console.

I looked at the documentation and it does not describe any reasons why the buttons won't appear. I am unsure if this is a bug or a problem with the documentation.

I am running v2.249.1 LTS version on Windows Server 2016.

I have the same bug here, try Jenkins 2.249.1 fresh installation using ubuntu 20.04 and cannot install plugin from web UI https://prnt.sc/uudmrw

So I downgrade jenkins to older version to version 2.235.1, now I can install plugin from web ui https://prnt.sc/uue9tl

sudo apt-get install jenkins=2.235.1

Because this issue seems to be present in both 2.235.1 as ell as 2.260, the weekly release, I would recommend using the Jenkins CLI in the meantime. You can find the documentation here: https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/managing/cli/ - I just used it and it works well. Do not forget to download the jenkins-cli.jar file as well as generted an API token.

wget https://localhost:8080/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar

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