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How to display a randomly generated string (from array) again in another area?

Basically, I'm using HTML and JavaScript to make a simple rock, paper, scissors game where a button activates a randomly generated string from an array (rock, paper, or scissors). I already have it so that the button randomly generates a computer choice and it displays my choice (using radio buttons) in a box below. I'm stuck because I don't know how to display the randomly generated computer choice again in another box.

I tried using if else statements but I can't figure out how to reference the randomly chosen string from the array. Here is what I tried before within the html game:

    function myFunction();{
    if (document.getElementById("randomSelect")) = 'rock'{
        document.getElementById('computerChoice').innerHTML = 'rock'
}       if (document.getElementById("randomSelect")) = 'paper'{
        document.getElementById('computerChoice').innerHTML = 'paper'
}       if (document.getElementById("randomSelect")) = 'scissors'{
        document.getElementById('computerChoice').innerHTML = 'scissors'
<p id = "computerChoice"></p>

Also, sorry if this makes no sense. I'm new to coding.

Generate random number between 0 and 2 (Array Index). Store items in an array and pull out based on random Index generated.

 var items = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"]; document.getElementById("randomSelect").addEventListener('click', myFunction); function myFunction() { /*Generate random number between 0 and 2*/ var randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); /*Set the random Item*/ document.getElementById('computerChoice').innerHTML = items[randomNum]; }

 <p id="computerChoice"></p> <button type="button" id="randomSelect">Random</button>

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