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JavaScript search by object attribute

I have the following method used to search from a list of users by the username attribute. My confusion is that line 6 console.log("Users filtered " + JSON.stringify(user)); displays to console the object that matches the username that I am typing in search bar. It kind of works but only for first element. For example, I have two users vicky, valentine and when I search by v I get only:

Users filtered {"age":"21","username":"vicky","lastUpdated":{"seconds":1601845200,"nanoseconds":0}}

And I get the error which points to line:
return userObject.username.toLowerCase().includes(searchString); :

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined
    at users.js:46
    at Array.filter (<anonymous>)

which makes me think that there must be something wrong with userObject.username attribute but I do not get why since it is a simple JSON object and I just want to get the username value. What am I doing wrong?

searchBar.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => {
  let searchString = e.target.value.toLowerCase();
  let filteredUsers = usersArray.filter(user => {
    let userObject = {};
    userObject = JSON.stringify(user);
    console.log("Users filtered " + JSON.stringify(user));
    return userObject.username.toLowerCase().includes(searchString);
  console.log("Users filtered " + filteredUsers);
  filteredUsers.forEach((user) => {

The issue is with this:

userObject = JSON.stringify(user);

JSON.stringify() as the name implies, returns a string which wouldn't have a username property.

Try simplifying your filter to this:

let filteredUsers = usersArray.filter(user => {
    return user.username.toLowerCase().includes(searchString);

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