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Why do I get "... is not a function at HTMLButtonElement" error?

I'm trying to run a function called "reset" in an event listener but I get the error "reset" is not a function at HTMLButtonElement.

for(var i = 0; i < gameMode.length; i++){
    gameMode[i].addEventListener("click", function(){
        for(var i = 0; i < gameMode.length; i++){
            gameMode[i].classList.remove("selected");/*this line initially removes the class "selected" from all elements*/
            this.classList.add("selected");/*it then adds it only to the element that was clicked*/

        this.textContent === "Easy" ? numSquares = 3: numSquares = 6;

function reset(){
    reset.innerHTML = "New Colors";
    resultDisplay.innerHTML = "";
    h1.style.backgroundColor = "steelblue";
    colors = randomColorArr(numSquares);
    pickedColor = pickColor();
    //console.log("value of picedColor inside reset event listener: "+pickedColor);
    colorDisplay.innerHTML = pickedColor;
    for (var i = 0; i < squares.length; i++){
    squares[i].style.backgroundColor = colors[i];

I just realised I had set "reset" earlier in my js code to another variable. Renaming the earlier variable from " reset" to something else solved the issue.

Rookie mistake.

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