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Warning you must upgrade to the latest version of google-spreadsheet

I am trying to implement a project when I get some data from a google spreadsheet and insert into a database. Inserting part is not important for me yet. When I am trying to get the data from google spreadsheet document I get this Warning!

 WARNING! You must upgrade to the latest version of google-spreadsheet!
 Google's deprecation date for the v3 sheets API is March 3rd 2020
 Bad news - this version of this module will stop working on that date :(
 Good news - the new version of the module uses the newer v4 api :)
 However, there are breaking changes, so please see the docs site

It's still give me the data, but I get the warning. Somebody who knows how do i get rid of that warning?

The Google Sheets API has been upgrade from version v3 to version v4

What does it mean?

  • It means that certain method names, parameters and building of the authentication client have changed.
  • If you are using an old code based on v3, so building the authentication client as const sheets = google.sheets({version: 'v3', auth}); , your code will stop working in the near future
  • While Google specifies March 3rd 2020 as the deprecation date, there is still some grace period, but your code could stop working any time!
  • So, please update your code by changing to const sheets = google.sheets({version: 'v3', auth});
  • Adapt other parts of the authentication flow if necessary to the new procedure provided in the quickstart for v4
  • Go through the references to see if any of the requests you are using has changed and adapt as necessary.

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