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No qualifying bean of type 'Package.TestDaoRepo' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate

Hey I am using spring boot version 2.3.4 for my web application. I am writing a JUNIT Integration test case for testing my controller, service and Repo using WebMvcTest.

class ITTestController {

void test() {
    System.out.println("Test me ");
   // URL to call. controller and rest of the logic 


I am looking for minimum configuration to load so i have used @WebMvcTest.

This is my controller need to be tested

@RequestMapping(value = APIUrlConstants.VERSION + APIUrlConstants.TEST_CONTROLLER)
public class TestCotroller {
    TestServiceInf testServiceInf;
    @RequestMapping(value = APIUrlConstants.TEST_DB, method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public ResponseEntity<String> testDbStatus() {
        Long count = testServiceInf.testDbStatus();
        String responseMessage = "DB is up and running, total number of products count are --  " + count;
       return new ResponseEntity<String>(responseMessage, HttpStatus.OK);
    @RequestMapping(value = APIUrlConstants.TEST_APPLICATION, method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public ResponseEntity<String> testApplicationStatus() {
        String responseMessage = testServiceInf.testApplication();
       return new ResponseEntity<String>(responseMessage, HttpStatus.OK);

The Service class

public class TestServiceImpls implements TestServiceInf {
    TestDaoRepo testDaoRepo;
    private static String responseMessage = "Application is up and running";
    public Long testDbStatus() {
        Long countProduct = testDaoRepo.count();
        return countProduct;

    public String testApplication() {
        return responseMessage;


Repo class

public interface TestDaoRepo extends JpaRepository<CpcMasterProduct, Long> { }

This is the error i am facing -

No qualifying bean of type 'package.TestDaoRepo' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)}

Please help me where i am doing wrong ?

@WebMvcTest won't instantiate @Repository beans. This is intentional in order to make the tests more lightweight and isolate the controller tests. Typically, you would replace your services with mocks for such tests.

See the docs for explanation.

In your case, your test would contain something like:

class ITTestController {

private TestServiceInf serviceMock;

void test() {
    System.out.println("Test me ");
   // URL to call. controller and rest of the logic 


If you want to do integration tests, you shouldn't use @WebMvcTest .

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