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Kiwi-Tcms integration quesrtion on jira

I try to integrate jira on kiwi, when I click report bug and choice jira, then I open chrome developer tool to check message , I get 504 Gateway Timeout, so... I want to ask which steps I missed??

My step like this:

  1. build kiwi-tcms on macOS Catalina v10.15.5
  2. change site Domain name :
  3. go on bug tracker to set jira
    Tracker type: jira
    Base URL: https://jirausername.atlassian.net/browse/KIWI-1

    API URL: "empty"

    API username: jirausername

    API password: jirauserpassword
  1. report bug

Thanks for your help.

504 Gateway Timeout on the Jira side is nothing we can do about. You have to contact Atlassian support and talk to them.

A 504 on the Kiwi TCMS backend side would probably point to a slow DB or slow network error but we need more information about that:

  • Is the 504 on the Kiwi TCMS side or on the JIRA side ?
  • If on the Kiwi TCMS side which HTTP request exactly is triggering the timeout?

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