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Hibirnate: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role with @Transactional

I have such a problem: when I load the collection lazily, it throws an exception. I used the Transactional annotation, Hibernate.initialize , but it still gives an error when loading the collection. Only EAGER helps, but it will be too expensive to use.


public class Release extends AbstractEntity {


    @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
            name = "releases_artists",
            joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "release_id"),
            inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "artist_id")
    private Set<Artist> artists = new HashSet<>();


The class where the exception is thrown:

public class ReleaseXmlReader extends XmlReaderArrays<Release> {


    protected void handle(Release release) {
        Release releaseFromDb = releaseRepository
        if (releaseFromDb != null) {
            for (Artist artist : release.getArtists()) {
                if (releaseFromDb.getArtists() <-- HERE
                        .noneMatch(artist1 -> artist1.getDiscogsArtistId() != null)
                ) {



Parent abstract class:

public abstract class XmlReaderArrays<T extends AbstractEntity> {


    public void parse() {
        try {
            XMLStreamReader reader = XMLInputFactory

            XmlMapper mapper = new XmlMapper();
            while (next(reader)) {
                try {
                    T obj = mapper.readValue(reader, type);
                    handle(obj); <--- HERE
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.error("Error parse xml", e);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Error parse xml", e);


I tried to match annotation only with the parent class or only with the inheritor. I also tried to put the annotation on the methods, but it did not help.

In order for @Transactional to work, spring AOP needs to create a proxy over your bean. There are 2 issues here:

  1. Here you're not using bean, just using handle as the method of the same class. You would have to inject a bean to use it as proxy.

  2. The method is protected , but it has to be public for the @Transactional to work.

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