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How to delete rows based on multiple columns condition from Numpy array?

The objective is to delete rows based on multiple columns.

Say, if the array is of size Nx3, then drop any rows that not having value Column0>=Column1>=Column2 . Whereas, for array of size NX6, then drop any rows that not having value Column0>=Column1>=Column2 and Column3>=Column4>=Column5 . The same rule apply for array of size NxM, where M is the increment of 3.

The following code should achieve the above requirement

arr = np.meshgrid ( *[[1, 2, 3,10] for _ in range ( 12 )] )

df = pd.DataFrame ( list ( map ( np.ravel, arr ) ) ).transpose ()
df_len = len ( df.columns )
a_list = np.arange ( df_len ).reshape ( (-1, 3) )

for x in range ( len ( a_list ) ):
    mask = (df [a_list [x, 0]] >= df [a_list [x, 1]]) & (df [a_list [x, 1]] >= df [a_list [x, 2]])
    df.drop ( df.loc [~mask].index, inplace=True )

However, the above code above is not time friendly with higher dimension and longer list_no length.

May I know how to improved the above code.

Working directly with numpy array significantly reduce the overall computation.

list_no=[1, 2,3,10]
arr = np.meshgrid ( *[list_no for _ in range ( dimension )] )
a = np.array(list ( map ( np.ravel, arr ) )).transpose()
num_rows, num_cols = a.shape

a_list = np.arange ( num_cols ).reshape ( (-1, 3) )
for x in range ( len ( a_list ) ):
    a=a[(a[:, a_list [x, 0]] >= a[:, a_list [x, 1]]) & (a[:, a_list [x, 1]] >= a[:, a_list [x, 2]])]

Here is my proposal for the NxM problem:

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,n,size=(n, m)))

def condition(col):
   res = ( (col[i] >= col[i+1]) & (col[i+1]>=col[i+2]) for i in (j*3 for j in range(m//3)) )
   return not(all(res))

df['D'] = df.apply(condition, axis=1)


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