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How i can do Elastic search by all fields (Spring)?

I have application with Spring Boot and elastic serch. For searching i use ElasticsearchRepository from org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.repository.ElasticsearchRepository

How i can do search by all fields with pagination?

Now my code look like that:

public interface ElasticRepo extends ElasticsearchRepository<ModelDao, Long> {
  @Query("{\"query\": {\"match\": {\"_all\": \"?\"}}}")
    Page<ModelDao> findByAllUsingCustomQuery(String name, Pageable pageable);

I use this interface as:

private ElasticRepo elasticRepo;

 public Page<TransportationRequestDao> getOrdersPageable(Pageable pageable, String q) {
     return elasticRepo.findByAllUsingCustomQuery(q, pageable);

And i call this method( getOrdersPageable ) from HTTP query

But i get answer without result.

Can you help me?

I think solve your problem by using bellow code

class ElasticService{
private ElasticRepo elasticRepo;
public List<> customQuery() {
String name = "every thing";
return elasticRepo.findByAllUsingCustomQuery(name,Pageable.of(1,20));

you should using Pageable.of(1,20) method. that first parameter is index of page and second parameter is length of items in per page.

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