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NFS does not work on docker without a volume mount

It works.

$ docker run --rm --net=host --privileged -v $PWD:/home -e SHARED_DIRECTORY=/home itsthenetwork/nfs-server-alpine


/home             <world>
Starting Mountd in the background...These
Startup successful.

It doesn't work.

$ docker run --rm --net=host --privileged -e SHARED_DIRECTORY=/home itsthenetwork/nfs-server-alpine


exportfs: /home does not support NFS export
Export validation failed, exiting...

I don't know why it's not working. The only difference is whether volume mount or not.

Please teach me.



OverlayFS does not support NFS export so please volume mount into your NFS container from an alternative (hopefully one is available).

On RancherOS the /home, /media and /mnt file systems are good choices as these are ext4.


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