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What is the equivalent of BinaryWriter.Write() from C# in Python?

So I have this function in a C# program:

public void Write(BinaryWriter writer)
        writer.Write(0x6369676F6C6572uL | ((ulong)Type << 56));
        writer.Write((ulong)(int)((uint)IsFavorite.ToInt() & 1u));

I would like to translate it to Python but I'm not sure how, I found a package for python called binstream but I'm not sure how am I supposed to translate stuff like 0x6369676F6C6572uL to Python.

Any advice is welcome!

我遇到了同样的问题,发现这个https://pypi.org/project/binstream/它声称与 BinaryReader 和 BinaryWriter 兼容

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