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Scala Currying Function

I have two methods, nTimes and nTimesBetter . Both functions perform an operation on a function passed as a parameter n times.

The method nTimes takes a function f , the number of times it has to be called n and the initial value for the function to work on x

def nTimes(f:Int=>Int,n:Int,x:Int):Int =
  if (n <= 0) x
    nTimes(f, n-1, f(x))

The following is what happens when the method is called with some function f , n = 3 and x = 1 :

// nTimes(f,3,1)
// nTimes(f,2,f(1))
// nTimes(f,1,f(f(1)))
// nTimes(f,0,f(f(f(1))))

The method nTimesBetter method does not take initial value, but only a function f and the number of times n the function should be called

def nTimesBetter(f:Int=>Int,n:Int):(Int=>Int)=
  if (n <= 0) x => x
   x => nTimesBetter(f, n-1)(f(x))

nTimesBetter returns a function that can be applied to an initial value


val plus10 = nTimesBetter((x:Int)=>x+1,10)

Can someone explain nTimesBetter with a stack of execution and use of (x:Int) => nTimesBetter(f,n-1)(f(x)) ? Why (f(x)) is called like this.

The main difference between these two is that the former returns a value and the latter returns a function Int => Int . The stack is far less readable than the one from nTimes but here it is:

  // nTimesBetter(f, 3)
  // x => nTimesBetter(f, 2)(f(x))
  // x => (x => nTimesBetter(f, 1)(f(x)))(f(x))
  // x => (x => (x => (x => x)(f(x)))(f(x)))(f(x))

Why (f(x)) is called like this?

Because nTimesBetter returns a function that needs an argument. You can rewrite nTimesBetter as:

def nTimesBetter(f: Int => Int, n: Int): Int => Int =
  if (n <= 0) x => x
  else {
    val function: Int => Int = nTimesBetter(f, n - 1) // Creates a function
    x => function(f(x))                               // Uses f(x) as an argument

PS. nTimesBetter is not that better because nTimes is tail recursive.

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