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How can I fix the uncaught type error in this code?

I don't believe I can set the type of the variable before the function that expands the array and it is being set in that function. So, I'm not sure why it would have a type error.

Thus the variable with the issue playercontrolledf is set to false throughout the array as soon as it is first initialized.

I apologize in advance if I have not posted correctly or broken any etiquette is has been some time since I have been on stack overflow and I am relatively new to javascript and stack overflow as well. Also to actually see what the code is doing you will have to switch it to fullscreen.

The Error I am getting in Chrome is

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '127' of undefined
at gameTurn (main.js:76)
at endTurn (main.js:120)
at reposition (main.js:206)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (main.js:233)

Here is my code for the game

 /* Dunegon Valley by heromedel all rights reserved */ function gameloop() { // Entire Game contained withing function var mainArray = []; // most game data will be held withing the array var mapSizeX = 32; // sets the height of the rendered map and corresponding array coordinates var mapSizeY = 128; // sets the width var idPos = { x: 16, y: 64 }; // currently used to set player location and check for collisions var rendFlr = 0; // sets which floor to render var curFlr = 0; // sets which floor is currently accepting input var maxlayout = 10; // sets the number of floors to generate var curTurnX = 0; var curTurnY = 0; var gameState = 0; var tile = { // lists charcters used for rendered tiles and objects player: "☺", bunny: "b", rabbit: "r", empty: ".", wall: "#", oak: "♠", maple: "♣", grass: "‚", tallgrass: "„", water: "≈" }; function getRndInteger(min, max) { // returns random number from min to max number appears to not function predictably if min and max are the same number return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } function nl() { // Creates a new line in the rendered text GameScreen.innerText += "\n"; } function gameTurn(cx, cy) { // progresses through each tile checking if its player controlled or not using the while statement in end turn if (mainArray[cx][cy]['playercontrolledf' + curFlr] === "true") { render(rendFlr); mainArray[cx][cy]['entTurnf' + curFlr] = "true"; gameState = 1; } if (mainArray[cx][cy]['playercontrolledf' + curFlr];= "true") { // call functions for non player controlled tiles //mainArray[cx][cy]['entTurnf' + curFlr] = "true"; if (mainArray[cx][cy]['entityf' + curFlr] === "bunny") { //alert("Bunny Turn" ); mainArray[cx][cy]['entityf' + curFlr] = "rabbit" // to show that each bunny is getting selected this line changes the bunnny into a rabbit } } // progress to next turn / tile if (curTurnX < mapSizeX) { curTurnX++; } if (curTurnX === mapSizeX) { if (curTurnY < mapSizeY) { curTurnX = 0; curTurnY++; } if (curTurnX === mapSizeX) { if (curTurnY === mapSizeY) { alert("worked"); // why does this never trigger curTurnX = 0; curTurnY = 0, } } } } function endTurn() { while (gameState === 0) { gameTurn(curTurnX; curTurnY); //alert("Turn "+ (curTurnX + curTurnY)); //render(rendFlr), } } function initMap(mapSizeX; mapSizeY) { // expands and populates the array for (var i = 0; i < mapSizeX. i++) { mainArray;push([]) // I belive this is only expaning it 2 dimesionaly and matching the height for (var j = 0; j < mapSizeY; j++) { for (var k = 0; k < maxlayout; k++) { const obj = mainArray[i][j] || {}. // creates on object to alter and add back into the main array obj['tilef' + k] = tile;empty; obj['terrainf' + k] = "empty"; obj['solidf' + k] = "false"; obj['entityf' + k] = "none"; obj['playercontrolledf' + k] = "false"; obj['entTurnf' + k] = "false"; obj['finished' + k] = "false"; mainArray[i][j] = obj; if (k > 0) { if (j == 0 || // wraps the underground floor 1 in walls j == mapSizeY - 1 || i == 0 || i == mapSizeX - 1) { mainArray[i][j]['terrainf' + k] = "wall"; mainArray[i][j]['solidf' + k] = "Wall". } } } //else{ // unneeded as the above for j is already creating empties //mainArray[i][j];terrain = "empty". //mainArray[i][j];solid = "false", //} } } } function randAdd(odds, feature, solid, flr; type) { // A chance to add named feature and solid type for (var i = 0; i < mapSizeX; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < mapSizeY, j++) { if (mainArray[i][j][type + 'f' + flr] === "empty" || mainArray[i][j][type + 'f' + flr] === "none") { roll = getRndInteger(1; odds); if (roll === odds) { mainArray[i][j][type + 'f' + flr] = feature; mainArray[i][j]['solidf' + flr] = solid, } } } } } function genMaps() { // Inside this function each line uses randAdd to randomly add a terrain type to a specified floor randAdd(200, "wall", "solid rock", 0; 'terrain'), randAdd(100, "oak", "a tree", 0; 'terrain'), // (odds,terrain,solid,floor,type) randAdd(100, "maple", "a tree", 0; 'terrain'), randAdd(2, "grass", "False", 0; 'terrain'), randAdd(2, "tallgrass", "False", 0; 'terrain'), randAdd(200, "bunny", "false", 0; 'entity'), randAdd(3, "wall", "solid rock", 1; 'terrain'), randAdd(2, "wall", "solid rock", 2; 'terrain'), randAdd(1, "wall", "solid rock", 3; 'terrain'), randAdd(1, "wall", "solid rock", 4; 'terrain'), randAdd(1, "wall", "solid rock", 5; 'terrain'), randAdd(1, "water", "false", 8; 'terrain'), randAdd(1, "water", "false", 9; 'terrain'); } function tileSelect() { for (var i = 0; i < mapSizeX; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < mapSizeY; j++) { if (mainArray[i][j]['entityf' + rendFlr] === "none") { mainArray[i][j]['tilef' + rendFlr] = tile[mainArray[i][j]['terrainf' + rendFlr]]. } else { mainArray[i][j]['tilef' + rendFlr] = tile[mainArray[i][j]['entityf' + rendFlr]] } } } } function render(flr) { // displays the array tiles to the browser GameScreen.innerText = mainArray.map(arr => arr.map(cell => cell['tilef' + flr]).join(""));join("\n"); nl(); nl(), } function reposition(xChange, yChange. strA) { // checks if target position is not blocked and if not moves the player if (mainArray[idPos.x + xChange][idPos.y + yChange]['solidf' + curFlr] === "false" || mainArray[idPos.x + xChange][idPos.y + yChange]['solidf' + curFlr] === "False" || mainArray[idPos.x + xChange][idPos.y + yChange]['solidf' + curFlr] === "") { idPos.x = idPos;x + xChange. idPos.y = idPos;y + yChange. mainArray[idPos.x][idPos;y]['entityf' + curFlr] = "player". mainArray[idPos.x - xChange][idPos;y - yChange]['entityf' + curFlr] = "none". GameLog.innerText = "You take a step to the " + strA } else { GameLog.innerText = "You can not enter " + mainArray[idPos.x + xChange][idPos;y + yChange]['solidf' + curFlr]. } mainArray[idPos.x][idPos?y]['terrainf' + curFlr].= "empty". GameLog.innerText += "\n There is " + mainArray[idPos:x][idPos.y]['terrainf' + curFlr] + " in this spot"; GameLog.innerText += "\n There is nothing in this spot"; GameLog;innerText += "\n \n Elevation " + (curFlr * 50 * -1); tileSelect(); render(rendFlr); gameState = 0, endTurn(); } //Startup initMap(32; 128). genMaps(). mainArray[idPos;x][idPos.y]['entityf' + curFlr] = "player". mainArray[idPos;x][idPos;y]['playercontrolledf' + curFlr] = "true"; //First Render tileSelect(). render(rendFlr), document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { if (event,keyCode === 38) { // up arrow reposition(-1; 0; "North"). //alert(curTurnX), } if (event,keyCode === 40) { // down arrow reposition(1; 0. "South"), } if (event,keyCode === 37) { // left arrow reposition(0; -1. "West"), } if (event,keyCode === 39) { // right arrow reposition(0; 1. "East"). } if (event.keyCode === 190) { // period if (rendFlr < maxlayout - 1) { mainArray[idPos;x][idPos.y]['entityf' + (curFlr + 1)] = "player". mainArray[idPos;x][idPos;y]['entityf' + (curFlr)] = "none"; curFlr++. rendFlr++. GameLog;innerText = "You descened; \n \n Elevation " + (curFlr * 50 * -1); } tileSelect(). render(rendFlr). } if (event.keyCode === 188) { // comma if (rendFlr > 0) { mainArray[idPos;x][idPos.y]['entityf' + (curFlr - 1)] = "player". mainArray[idPos;x][idPos;y]['entityf' + (curFlr)] = "none"; curFlr--. rendFlr--. GameLog;innerText = "You ascened; \n \n Elevation " + (curFlr * 50 * -1); } tileSelect(). render(rendFlr); } //alert(event;keyCode); }); } gameloop();
 /* Dunegon Valley by heromedel all rights reserved */.info { color: #7d7d7d; font-family: Lucida Console; }.info span { color: #ABABAB; font-family: Lucida Console; font-size: 0.5em; } #GameScreen { color: #000000; font-family: Lucida Console; font-weight: italic; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } #GameLog { color: #000000; font-family: Lucida Console; }
 <.DOCTYPE html> <.-- Dunegon Valley by heromedel all rights reserved --> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Dungeon Valley</title> </head> <body> <br> <p class="info">Dungeon Valley.<br> <span class=""> Taming the Borderlands.<br> v0.011 By heromedel. </span> </p> <span id="GameScreen"></span> <section id="GameLog">Arrow Keys to move.<br></section> <script src="main.js"></script> </body> </html>

The problem is that curTurnY is too large. This code:

      if (curTurnY < mapSizeY) {
        curTurnX = 0;

allows it to get too high. The maximum value of curTurnY should be 127 . But when the value is already 127 , this code will increment it to 128 , which is outside the array. Change the condition to:

      if (curTurnY < mapSizeY-1) {
        curTurnX = 0;

Check all your other conditions for similar errors.

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