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Spring Boot OAuth2 login not doing anything

I'm trying to get the user session managed with a OAuth2 provider and I made a custom login that made the calls, set the cookies etc... But then I realized that Spring Boot Security has OAuth2 integration and I decided to start from scratch and do it the right way.

The problem is that, for any secured path I access, I get redirected to the service, I log in in there, and then I get redirected back to my callback url, with the code as param and I get the template as usual, going through the controller, not getting authorized on my application at any point .


Before I used this code to access the API but as I understand now Spring should be managing it .

So, I autenticate, I get redirected again into my page (my callback url is permited for all users) and then I am at the same place, not authenticated in any way. I can't access any secured path.

What I did


            client-id: 0YekXxbT20En0V000000Tk9pGam2K9HvIA0fTPP0
            client-secret: cm0001232132132132hGNICxzAwNKqFMg
            authorization-grant-type: authorization_code
            redirect-uri: '{baseUrl}/loginWCA'
             authorization-uri: https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/oauth/authorize
             token-uri: https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/api/v0/me


public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter{

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

Disclaimer: I know that I'm securing everything, my goal is to go to the root path -> get redirected to the provider -> log in -> get back to my web -> have a valid session to access root path as an authenticated user.

You should get token after login passing. please ref your oauth2 provider. then add it with Bearer in request HEADER 'Authentication'. So other pages need not be authenticated.

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