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DocuSign Connect how to configure envelope to receive notifications on authentication failure?

I am trying to manage authentication failed cases in my app. I have successfully established DocuSign Connect communication and receive notifications from DocuSign when envelopes are Completed or Voided. But now I have a case when fail Authentication (exemple wrong code entered 3 times on SMS authentication). In this case the envelope is locked for the signer. I would like to be able to send notification to custommer service when this happens.

According to this answer it is possible to get this information in a DocuSign Connect notification but I receive none.

In my case I configure notifications per envelope through the API (not a global account configuration) like follows (C#):

envelope.EventNotification = new EventNotification()
    Url = _webhookUrl,
    RequireAcknowledgment = "true",
    LoggingEnabled = "true",
    IncludeEnvelopeVoidReason = "true",
    IncludeDocuments = "false",
    IncludeCertificateOfCompletion = "false",
    IncludeCertificateWithSoap = "false",
    IncludeDocumentFields = "false",
    IncludeHMAC = "true",
    IncludeSenderAccountAsCustomField = "false",
    IncludeTimeZone = "true",
    UseSoapInterface = "false",
    EnvelopeEvents = new List<EnvelopeEvent>() {
        new EnvelopeEvent("Draft"),
        new EnvelopeEvent("Sent"),
        new EnvelopeEvent("Delivered"),
        new EnvelopeEvent("Completed"),
        new EnvelopeEvent("Declined"),
        new EnvelopeEvent("Voided") 
    RecipientEvents = new List<RecipientEvent>() {
        new RecipientEvent(null, "Draft" ),
        new RecipientEvent(null, "Sent" ),
        new RecipientEvent(null, "Delivered" ),
        new RecipientEvent(null, "Completed" ),
        new RecipientEvent(null, "Voided" )

Edit: I found that when creating a global configuration in administrator interface there is an extra possible event option "Authentication failed" seems like thats exactly what I need!


But what is the value to provide with the API???

This option is not even documented in support center https://support.docusign.com/guides/dfs-admin-guide-envelope-recipient-events-ref

Any ideas?

Ok so I "almost" found the answer in swagger specs (available here ) that there are AuthenticationFailed and AutoResponded recipient events. And yes by adding AuthenticationFailed I get a webhook call whe SMS authentication fails. So my final event notification configuration looks like follows:

envelope.EventNotification = new EventNotification()
    Url = _webhookUrl,
    RequireAcknowledgment = "true",
    LoggingEnabled = "true",
    IncludeEnvelopeVoidReason = "true",
    IncludeDocuments = "false",
    IncludeCertificateOfCompletion = "false",
    IncludeCertificateWithSoap = "false",
    IncludeDocumentFields = "false",
    IncludeHMAC = "true",
    IncludeSenderAccountAsCustomField = "false",
    IncludeTimeZone = "true",
    UseSoapInterface = "false",
    EnvelopeEvents = new List<EnvelopeEvent>() { 
        new EnvelopeEvent("Completed"), 
        new EnvelopeEvent("Declined"), 
        new EnvelopeEvent("Voided") 
    RecipientEvents = new List<RecipientEvent>() { 
        new RecipientEvent(null, "AuthenticationFailed"), 
        new RecipientEvent(null, "Completed"), 
        new RecipientEvent(null, "Declined")

Unfortunatly the portions of the documentation related to Connect are very light! Many parameters are not explained.

After more testing it is still not working. Actually I get the notification but the envelope status is "sent" and the <RecipientAuthenticationStatus /> is empty. And I have no way to determin an authentication error occured.

错误案例是在 6 月份创建的 (CONNECT-1845),我们的工程师目前正在努力解决该问题

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