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Hide query params from the url

From one component i navigate to another component and i pass some params. Also i want to pass query params but i dont want it to be seen in url. I tried using skiplocationchange but then that works but the url doesnt change when we navigate from parent to child. So i dont want to use skiplocationchange.

this._router.navigate(['/detailReports',id],{queryParams:{reportName : name},queryParamsHandling:"merge"});

So here reportName i just want it to be there in router so that i can get this prop later. But i dont want it to be shown in the url.

you can like this :




constructor(){ let params = this.router.getCurrentNavigation().extras["state"] ? this.router.getCurrentNavigation().extras["state"] : "" constructor(){ let params = this.router.getCurrentNavigation().extras["state"] ? this.router.getCurrentNavigation().extras["state"] : "" } `

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