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How to sum two React props?

What I wanna do is sum two React props that contain values that the App is fetching from a database

Here's the props snippet

const GPBBatting = (props) => (
    <td>{props.player.G_GS.substring(0, 1)}</td>

    <<<<<<I want the sum of OBP + SLG values here>>>>>


And here in this link is the complete code: https://www.paste.org/111710

Isn't this just <td>{props.player.OBP + props.player.SLG}</td> ? Or if they're not numbers, <td>{parseInt(props.player.OBP) + parseInt(props.player.SLG)}</td> .

I'd recommend brushing up on your JS with something like learnxinyminutes or Mozilla's excellent JS primers .

I'm not sure exactly what your setup is, but if GPBBAtting is your component, you can do:

const GPBBatting = (props) => (

const getPlayerSum = (a, b) => {
      const sumValue = a + b;
      return sumValue

    <td>{props.player.G_GS.substring(0, 1)}</td>

    {getPlayerSum(props.player.SLG, props.player.OBP)} // call a sum function here and pass the values you want to sum


You could do it a few ways, but I think this way is neatest because you keep the sum logic out of the return and the function is reusable if you want to sum other things.

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