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laravel check if amount is between two columns in the database

I have a weight calculated, and a database table that contains the range of amounts, now I want to check if the calculated weight is between the ranges in my table.

Shipping Fee Table

id  |  weight_from  |  weight_to   |   amount    |
 1  |      0.5      |      100     |     100     |
 2  |      500      |      1000    |     120     |
 3  |      1000     |      3000    |     180     |

For example the calculated weight is 505kg it will find it on the table if it's between weight_from & weight_to

I found something like this, but it is not like what I'm trying to do, because it pass a number, and not getting the value of database table.


$fee = Fee::whereBetween('column', [1, 150])->first();

您可以将><与两个 where 条件一起使用

$fee = Fee::where('weight_from', '>=', 500)->where('weight_to', '<=', 500)->first();

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